Traffic Control & Implement Traffic Control Plans - Live Project Assessments
RTO ID: 91330 - Training delivered on behalf of Admire Workplace Safety
You are required to complete an Assessment at a Live Project after your Traffic Control Work Training (TCWT) in order to satisfy the Assessment Requirement for SafeWork NSW Traffic Controller and / or Implement Traffic Control Plan Card/s. It is a requirement of SafeWork NSW that all students are assessed by a qualified and approved assessor.
Students must complete the initial theory and practical training courses prior to attempting their Live Assessment and final sign off.
Note: Students must have a current Statement Of Completion (issued upon completion of the TC & ITCP Combo to undertake their Live Assessment.
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To complete your practical assessment for the for the TC & ITCP you will need to attend the scheduled Live Project Assessment.
1 day
9:00am – 4:00pm